Desperados On The Block


Desperados On The Block

Feature Film, 90min


Nom. Kutxa
New Directors Award
57. San Sebastian
Int. Film Festival
11. European Film Festival
Lecce, Italy
Cineuropa Award
11. European Film Festival
Lecce, Italy


Best Film
11. European Film Festival
Lecce, Italy
World Competition
33. Mostra Sao Paulo
Int. Film Festival
Fünf Seen Filmfestival


Bester Absolventenfilm
Mediencampus 2009
Starter Filmpreis
München 2010
First Steps Award
Nominierung Abend-
füllender Spielfilm
Medienpreis 2009
Nominierung Förderpreis
Bester Absolventenfilm


30. Filmfestival
Max Ophüls Preis
17. Plus Camerimage
European Panorama
25. Guadalajara
Int. Film Festival
European Tendencies


11. Stockholm
Int. Film Festival Junior
11. Tbilisi
Int. Film Festival
Best Director & Best Film
7. Romania
Int. Film Festival
Competition 2010


10. Iasi
Int. Film Festival
Competition 2010
29. Uruguay
Int. Film Festival
Panorama 2011
22. Exground
Fimfestival Wiesbaden
Opening Film


12. Kino Na Granicy
Opening Film
3. Film And Art
Festival Dwa Brzegi
World Panorama
5. Segovia
European Film Festival
Official Selection



The paths of three students of different nationalities cross in the elevator of an anonymous student block in Munich. Since they don’t know each other, they will never find out how much they have in common: Clara, Motek and Sin are strangers in Germany. They’re longing for acceptance and warmth, searching for a spark of the feeling we call “home”.


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Feature Film, 90 min, noX 2k color (1:2.35 CS)
Cast Patricia Moga
Andreas Heindel
Lizhe Liu
Johannes Silberschneider
Helen Woigk
Korinna Kraus
Tristan Seith
Jörg Witte
Angelika Fink
Michael Schernthaner
Daniel Maleck
Director Tomasz Emil Rudzik
Screenplay Tomasz Emil Rudzik
DOP Sorin Dragoi
Editing Christoph Hutterer
Production Design Cinzia Fossati
Christina Heidelmeier
Costume Design Charlotte Viriot
Music Dieter Schleip
Production Toccata Film
Fritz Böhm
Sven Nur
Co-Production Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München
Teo Film


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